
Master The Art Of Making Weed Gummies At Home With This Step-By-Step Guide

Learn how to make edible weed gummies at home from scratch. This step-by-step guide with a gummy recipe teaches you how to make these delicious treats easily.

Weed Gummies Recipe: A Step-By-Step Guide On How To Make These Delicious Treats Yourself

Making weed gummies at home is a fun and easy way to improve your cannabis experience that may turn into a pretty fun hobby.

However, learning how to make weed gummies may seem like an uphill task to those who have never tried it, but with this step-by-step guide, you will be making your own treats in no time.

Edible weed gummies are some of the best ways to enjoy your daily dose of THC. Their widespread popularity has made them easily accessible.

You can now get a variety of THC-infused gummies when you buy weed online at our mail-order marijuana dispensary. They are also pretty cheap.

So why would you take the long way of making them yourself instead of just ordering them online?

This guide tells you why you may want to make your own candies, where to buy cannabis online, and the best weed gummies recipe presented in a simple, step-by-step format. 

Most ingredients in our weed gummies recipe are available at Chronic Farms, the best online weed dispensary in Canada, known for offering quality products at the lowest prices.

Gummies are now some of the most sought-after cannabis products in Canada because of their ease of consumption, precise dosing and discreetness. 

What are Weed Gummies?

Before we get into how to make weed gummies, what are they?

Edible weed gummies are edible candies that have been infused with cannabis extracts to give them an extra kick.

To put it simply, cannabis gummies are just regular gummy candies but with THC and other weed components to induce psychoactive effects and benefits when consumed.

THC gummies are a type of weed edible. These are products taken orally to cause their effects.

Gummies are now some of the most sought-after cannabis products in Canada because of their ease of consumption, precise dosing and discreetness. 

Because weed gummies look like their regular counterparts, it is possible to consume them even in public without attracting unwanted attention.

These candies, however, don’t cause effects as fast as other methods of cannabis consumption, such as smoking, vaping and sublingual application. This is because the THC and other cannabis compounds have to go through the digestive process before they are absorbed.

Once absorbed, the THC is transported to the liver, where it is broken down into several metabolites in what is called ‘the first pass effect.’ THC is turned into 11-hydroxy-THC, which is thought to be twice as potent as THC.

11-hydroxy-THC is then transported to the brain, where it causes its effects. This metabolite being stronger than THC may be the reason why edibles feel so potent.

However, the digestive process and the first pass effect take time. This is why edibles take between 30 minutes and two hours for the effects to kick in.

Most experienced weed-edible consumers have a story that begins with them taking more gummies after thinking that the first one had no effect, then all kicking in together.

To avoid being overwhelmed, starting with a low dose and observing the effects for two hours before consuming more is advisable.

Now that you know what edible weed gummies are, why would you want to make them at home instead of buying weed online in Canada?

Why would you DIY when you can order quality gummies from your favourite online dispensary? Well, there are a few reasons for that.

Why Would You Want to Make Weed Gummies at Home?

Why would you DIY when you can order quality gummies from your favourite online dispensary? Well, there are a few reasons for that. Here are some:

  • Customization: Learning how to make weed gummies gives you complete control over the ingredients, potency and dietary preferences. You may want to use organic ingredients, omit or add some.
  • Experimentation: Making your gummies allows you to experiment with different flavours, textures, and ingredients to determine what works for you. When you buy weed online, you are restricted to what a producer offers.
  • Satisfaction: If you ask us, making gummies at home is a satisfying hobby. Especially if you like making your food or are interested in DIY food projects. The process can be just as enjoyable as the end product.
  • Make use of that extra flower stash: Bought more weed than you can smoke? You can decarboxylate it, make it into canna oil and infuse edibles to ensure it doesn’t go to waste.
  • Edible gummies have a longer shelf life: Weed gummies have a longer shelf life than most edibles and BC bud online when stored in the right conditions. As such, they may be a better way to save your weed for a rainy day.
  • It may be cost-effective: Making weed edibles may potentially be cost-effective in the long run, especially if you consume gummies every day. Making them in bulk may save you frequent purchase and shipping costs, making the investment worth it.

Whatever your reason is, making homemade gummies may provide a fun hobby and a way to consume edibles without relying on the ready-made options you get when you buy weed online in Canada.

That said, how do you make THC gummies at home?

Before we get into the weed gummies recipe, here are some of the essential items you will need:

How to Make Weed Gummies at Home

Before we get into the weed gummies recipe, here are some of the essential items you will need:

What you will need

  • Cannabis oil: some recipes use cannabutter
  • Unflavoured gelatin or a vegan alternative
  • Flavoured gelatin or vegan alternative
  • Water or juice in your favourite flavour (better if it matches the flavoured gelatin)
  • Sweetener, sugar or honey
  • Gummy bear moulds
  • Sunflower or soy lecithin
  • Saucepan
  • Heat source
  • Cooking spray or oil


Step 1: Heat the fruit juice or water in the saucepan over low temperatures.

Step 2: Add cannabis oil or butter to the saucepan, add a little lecithin and stir to ensure everything is well incorporated.

Sunflower or soy lecithin is an emulsifier that integrates water and canna oil. Without lecithin, the gummies may separate into two layers: oil and water.

Step 3: Add the flavoured and unflavoured gelatin slowly as you stir to ensure it doesn’t form lumps.

Step 4: Continue whisking the mixture for up to 10 minutes, ensuring it doesn’t boil. At this stage, you can add the sweetener and flavouring if using unflavoured gelatin. Stir until you are satisfied that everything is evenly combined.

Step 5: Grease the gummy moulds with oil or cooking spray to prevent the mixture from sticking.

Step 6: Pour the mixture into the moulds individually and press down with a spoon to ensure they get excellent shape when set. You must fill the moulds quickly to ensure the mixture doesn’t harden or cool in the pan.

Step 7: Put the gummies in the freezer for around 30 minutes or 1 hour in the fridge. Ensure that they are fully set and firm before removing them.

Step 8: Once set, remove them from the moulds. You can take a small piece to gauge how delicious and potent they are.

Step 9: Store them in the fridge. We recommend putting all the weed gummies you are not consuming immediately in airtight containers in the refrigerator to ensure long shelf life.

Step 10: Enjoy! Congratulations! You have successfully made your first batch of cannabis gummies. Enjoy them responsibly.

Cannabis oil is one of the most important ingredients in our weed gummies recipe. You can buy cannabis oil at an online dispensary in Canada, or you can DIY.

Making Cannabis Oil for Gummies at Home

Cannabis oil is one of the most important ingredients in our weed gummies recipe. You can buy cannabis oil at an online dispensary in Canada, or you can DIY.

At our online weed dispensary, we have a wide range of THC distillates and oils that can be used to infuse gummies. However, it can also be fun to make cannabutter for this and other applications.

To make canna oil or cannabutter, you need high-quality cannabis flower such as this AAAA+ Death Bubba or AAAA Pineapple Express BC bud online, foil or baking sheet, an oven, stove, coconut oil or butter, sieve, pan, thermometer and timer.

The first step to making cannabutter is to decarboxylate the weed flower. This process turns THCA into the active THC form.

To decarboxylate weed, grind some up, put it on the baking sheet, and heat it in the oven for around 40 minutes at 105 to 120°C. 

Once decarboxylation is done, mix it with the butter/ oil on the stove.

For this, heat some oil or butter in a pan up to 65°C, add the decarboxylated cannabis, stir and let the mix simmer for up to three hours, stirring occasionally.

You can now strain the mixture to remove the plant material, bottle it, and store it. It’s now ready for making weed gummies.

You need high-quality ingredients to ensure the best outcome when making weed gummies at home. Wondering where you can buy weed online without breaking the bank?

Buy Weed for Infusing Gummies Online in Canada

You need high-quality ingredients to ensure the best outcome when making weed gummies at home. Wondering where you can buy weed online without breaking the bank?

Chronic Farms is the leading online weed dispensary in Canada, known for offering high-quality cannabis products at the lowest prices in the market. 

We have all sorts of gummies at our dispensary, from these 150mg Get Wrecked Edibles to these 1500mg High Dose gummies. All you have to do is order weed online, and we’ll ship it to your doorstep anywhere in Canada.

If you are interested in making edible weed gummies at home, we have premium strains such as Pink Rockstar that you can decarboxylate to make cannabutter. If you prefer to shorten the process, we have premium THC distillate for precise dosing and infusing gummies.

Order weed online today at Chronic Farms dispensary and start making weed gummies like a pro!